The Little Bird Who Found Herself is a timeless book for all ages. Like the Little Prince or Velveteen Rabbit it is a metaphor, fable or folk tale clothed in the format of an inviting children’s story. It reminds both young and old alike how we need to journey inside ourselves to find the gifted answers, the new meanings and directions that lie hidden and waiting to be noticed and nurtured in a very special way.
This charming little story has a universal appeal for both children and adults. Even more, it offers the beginning of a profound inner journey as well. It is a passage that parents, grandparents and adult child caregivers can take together with their children. The Wise Old Owl in this story companions Little Bird into her own inner world and maturing identity. The narrative becomes a model for adults as well as children, gently leading them into a caring way of listening to their own bodies’ feelings– even fears and tears– so they can hear their hidden stories. It helps to establish a caring relationship with our own feelings that all of us, especially parents, grandparents, and caregivers can then pass on and share with other adults as well as children.
The experience of reading this book to youth on retreat and in classes on building self-esteem, as well as to children, offers a fresh way of connecting with the next generation. Storytelling merges into real life because the Little Bird inside each of us longs to be blessed by finding a Wise Old Owl who truly knows how to help us take care of our feelings, listening to and waiting patiently for them to reveal the next step forward in our lives. We need more Wise Old Owls ( our Companions ) on our journey through life because there is so much hidden potential and talent just waiting for someone to awaken simply by walking along with us on the inside of how our body knows.
If you would like to hear Father Peter reading the text of the book, it is available here.
This book is available on or your local bookseller.